Muscatine Senior Center

Serving Muscatine County

Enriching the lives of older adults through socialization, wellness, and leisure opportunities.

The Muscatine Senior Center is acollaborative effort between dedicatedcommunity volunteers and SeniorResources. Led by volunteers, the centerwill offer a diverse range of activitiescatering to active aging seniors, includingexercise programs, crafting sessions, cardgames, special interest speakers, and everyone’s favorite, bingo!


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8:00 am Coffee Chat
8:30 am Chair Volleyball
11:30 am Town Hall
1:00 pm Bingo
3:00 pm Movie Monday
Senior Safety Speaker



8:00 am Coffee Chat
8:30 am Cards
9:30 am  Exercise Therapy
10:30 am Cornhole
1:00 pm Bingo
3:00 pm Bible Study
Senior Health Speaker



Social connections can decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, boost cognitive function and self-esteem, and result in improved sleep and overall health.


Embracing an active lifestyle not only enhances strength and balance, but also serves as a crucial deterrent against the advancement of diseases while uplifting mood.

Our wellness activities encompass a blend of physical exercises and specialized interest sessions designed to foster safety and promote independence.


Explore an array of leisure opportunities available to inspire your interests and cultivate meaningful connections at our center.  Whether you’re eager to pick up a new hobby or meet a new friend, our diverse range of social gatherings and hobby groups offer the perfect setting for enriching your senior years.


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