About Us
Cultivating choice and inclusion for seniors and adults with disabilities.
Seniors and people with disabilities accessing lives they want, with care they deserve.
Established in 1969, CROSSROADS, INC. is a non-profit agency offering employment, day habilitation, and supportive community living services. We collaborate with all key stakeholders to develop and provide a continuous learning environment, assisting people in reaching their greatest potential.
In 2015, CROSSROADS, INC took on the entire operation and ownership of Cedar Employment Opportunities in Tipton, IA. We offer the same services and continue our mission in Tipton, IA.
In 2021, CROSSROADS, INC merged with Senior Resources expanding the CROSSROADS, INC service line to include seniors and all adults with disabilities.
Cultivating choice and inclusion for seniors and adults with disabilities.

Seniors and people with disabilities accessing lives they want, with care they deserve.

Established in 1969, CROSSROADS, INC. is a non-profit agency offering employment, day habilitation, and supportive community living services. We collaborate with all key stakeholders to develop and provide a continuous learning environment, assisting people in reaching their greatest potential.
In 2015, CROSSROADS, INC took on the entire operation and ownership of Cedar Employment Opportunities in Tipton, IA. We offer the same services and continue our mission in Tipton, IA.
In 2021, CROSSROADS, INC merged with Senior Resources expanding the CROSSROADS, INC service line to include seniors and all adults with disabilities.

Muscatine County Community Workshops, Inc. is incorporated.
Ed Jones becomes the first president of the Board of Directors.
The vocational services program begins in 3 vacant rooms at the old County Care Facility with 5 clients and 2 staff.
Shoeshine parlor is purchased downtown. Sherwin Williams donates paint for remodeling.
Contract work includes stamping ID tags and sewing for Bandag.
Badge making machine purchased for $1,400 to make badge buttons for Great River Days.
Seventy two persons served by year end.
The workshop takes over the entire vacated County Care Facility for their vocational needs.
The first self-contained special education school, Pickett, is built on county owned property.Over 56,000 pounds of Lusk candy are packaged.
Contract work includes pounding and wrapping desk legs for HON, repairing pallets for Heinz, and other assembly jobs for Thatcher Tube and MISCO.
Year ending sales from contract work is $100,000.
On Saturday, May 3, staff and members of the Board of Directors stain and varnish woodwork in the new facility.
The Port City Kiwanis purchase a used school bus to assist staff transporting clients.
Claude Farrell donates 2 loads of rock for the driveway.
In November, the Jaycees assist with the installation of new kitchen cupboards.
98 clients receive services by year-end.

A grant of $20,000 is received from the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to purchase equipment, including a used fork lift.
A 4800 sq. ft. addition to the facility is being built, and a fire alarm system is installed.
Clarence Machlan and son put in a sidewalk in front of the main facility, and the VFW donates a flag pole and flag.
The Order of the Moose donates a clicker for production use.
99 clients received services by year end.
The Pipe and Potpourri Shoppe is opened.
The workshop provides microfilming, janitorial, and mowing services.
A woodworking area is developed to make bird feeders and plaques.
8500 Great River Days buttons are made.
The number of staff members increases to 15.
A crew cleans rooms at the Holiday Inn.
100 clients received services by year-end.
A craft center and rubber stamp-making operation are added to the back of the Pipe and Potpourri Shoppe.
Macrame, weaving, and bows are made and sold.
Documents are microfilmed at Muscatine General Hospital.
The Noon Kiwanis Club furnishes the First Aid Room at the workshop.
An automatic bagger is purchased for the Workshop.
The first lunchroom is constructed. It was 1260 sq ft and cost $17,000. Volunteer groups provided the finishing work.
The Roach estate donates $6,000 to the Workshop.
The can sorting operation begins.
Due to a shortage of space in Pickett School, the AEA utilizes a space in the Workshop to teach a class of Special Ed students.
The Iowa Restaurant Association and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farrell contribute towards an air conditioner for the new lunchroom.
Family and Children’s Services request that the Workshop administer Trinity House.
Furniture stripping is added as another source of training opportunities.
The school bus is sold since the City Transit System is now transporting clients to the Workshop.
A 1982 Ford delivery truck is purchased.
The Workshop General Store (formerly Pipe and Potpourri Shoppe) has a grand opening to promote operations and new locations.
Work Activity Center makes felt Christmas Socks and fills them with goodies to be sold to employers for their Christmas parties.
117 clients served by year-end.
Modern Metals is awarded the contract to add a 4800 sq. ft. warehouse to the main facility for a cost of $411,000.
The agency receives its first CARF accreditation.
A grant from Vocational rehabilitation is received to purchase new skin packaging equipment.
Bonanza Builders construct a 47,000 pole building to store pallets and lumber.
117 clients served by year-end.

An electric mover is purchased through Vocational Rehabilitation grant monies.
127 Clients received services by year-end.
Pickett School, now empty because the classes are now integrated, was remodeled to accommodate the growing Work Activity Center. Funds from the Roach Estate were used for this.
Vocational Rehabilitation funds are received to purchase another skin packaging machine.
A semi-trailer is rented and later purchased for $1500 to store contract materials.
New carpet is installed in the main building.
The contract work is so plentiful that temporary persons are hired to provide assistance. Also clients are working evenings and Saturdays to complete the contracts. Some contract work was sent to workshops in Tipton, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids, and Burlington.
Clients from the Tipton Work Activity Center come to Muscatine to sort cans two days per week.
A minivan is purchased to transport smaller groups to foster community integration.
The pallet operation is discontinued, and Workshop services are expanded into a portable building that was vacated by Mississippi Bend AEA.
More microfilm equipment is purchased for the growing operation and begins microfilming documents at the Muscatine County Courthouse.
Due to economic reasons, the Workshop General Store closes on June 1. The County takes over some of the services and renames the operation “Snackers”.
Trinity House is transitioned from a short-term facility to one providing long term care.
Louisa County begins sending clients to the Workshop.
The operation of the Custodial/Housekeeping Program is formalized.
A ceramic business is started at the Workshop in cooperation with Rose Newton from Nichols. Four kilns are purchased.
A basketball court/patio is built near the work Activity Center (Workshop Annex) in memory of Harold Bridges.
The Workshop contracts with Hy-Vee Foods to pick up their aluminum beverage cans for sorting. As a result of this acquisition, the Workshop sorts 98% of aluminum cans used in Muscatine.
Paul Surber Estate donates $12,680.
Muscatine Garden Club plants more trees and flowers around the facility.
The Workshop assists Klean Sweep by bundling newspapers for recycling.
Memorial funds are contributed by Sandra Roth in memory of her mother, Laura Toussaint.135 clients received services by year-end.
The delivery truck has a box installed in order to continue picking up the increased volume of cans.
Chairs and tables are purchased from HON to be used in the new lunchroom.
The supported Employment Program is formalized as an agency operation.
A new position, Business Manager, is created.
Eclipse Fender Pads, a product for Bandag’s rubber recycling program, creates a new contract for workers.
A crew from Klean Sweep has been assisting with contract work at the Workshop.
Wayne Drumm is recognized at the Christmas Awards Banquet as an outstanding Volunteer.
Memorial Funds are contributed by Dale and Deb Hafner in memory of their daughter and staff person Lisa Hafner.
Eleven persons are placed at job sites within the community.
138 persons received services by year-end.
A new roof is installed by Vantage Construction.
An electronic door used for persons in wheelchairs is installed.
A second conveyor belt is added to make the can sorting operation more efficient.
The ceramic operation closes and the equipment is sold.
Memorial contributions are received in memory of worker, Vicki Padgett.
5,000 buttons for the American Postal Workers Union are completed.
President, Joe Somodi, leads the agency through a SWOT analysis to develop a long-range plan.
220 persons attend the Christmas Awards Banquet at the Holiday Inn.
Two styles of Great River Days buttons were designed. The agency has a request to make 8,000 each.
90 persons tour the Workshop the month of December.
A caretaker group, consisting of parents, guardians, and other interested persons is created to meet on a quarterly basis. Maxine Buttgen and Clarence Machlan co-chair the group.
145 persons received services by year-end.

Changes are made in staff benefits. The annuity plan is changed from Mutual of America to TIAA-CREF.
CROSSROADS employs 30 full and part-time staff.
United Way of Wilton and the West Liberty-Atalissa United Way continue to contribute to the agency on an annual basis.
1,300 buttons are assembled for Bandag’s Fun Days. 20,000 buttons are assembled for Great River Days, and 4,500 are assembled for the HON picnic.
Supported employment sites are expanded at GPC and Geneva Country Club.
A grant from Muscatine Power and Water is received to retrofit all light fixtures with energy-saving electronic ballast and lamps.
Louisa County opens a recycling center called “Helping Hands”. Individuals who had been served at the Workshop from Louisa County are now participating in the recycling program.
A 12-passenger van is purchased with the old 15-passenger van being sold to the Open Door Baptist Church in Montpelier.
The name of the Muscatine County Community Workshops, Inc. is changed to CROSSROADS, INC. of Muscatine.
Board member, Klaus Sternath, designs a new agency logo.
The first annual craft show to benefit Trinity House is held at CROSSROADS.
A crew of workers from CROSSROADS is hired to package materials at Ring King Visibles.
Over 12,000,000 aluminum cans are sorted this year.
New furnaces are replaced in the main building.
Mayor, Jeanette Phillips, donates funds to erect a new brick sign with the agency’s new name.
213 persons attend the 1993 Christmas Awards banquet held at the Moose Lodge.
823 Christmas socks are made and sold to various businesses by the Work Adjustment Program.
12 persons are placed in supported employment sites this year.
150 persons received services by year-end.
The City of Muscatine, Muscatine County, and United Way have provided funding to CROSSROADS for 20 years.
A project to recycle greeting cards is started.
Contract revenues exceed $1,600,000.
Memorial donations are received in Memory of Gertrude Roth, grandmother of Randy Roth.
95 Basic Living Classes are taught each week.
Aluminum cans are picked up from over 40 establishments.
The 1982 delivery truck is sold and a new 1995 truck is purchased.
A nearly $300,000 expansion and remodeling project is completed by Hy-Brand contractors. The project included a 2100 sq. ft. lunch room, a 2500 sq. ft. covered dock, more accessible restrooms, a ventilation system in production areas, and a process to more effectively clean the can sorting area. A ribbon cutting ceremony is held to celebrate the completion of the new addition and remodeling projects.
12,000 buttons are made for Great River Days.
The former lunchroom is completely remodeled into a Work Skills Center. The program, which was located in the portable building, is relocated to its new site. An office for Supported Employment staff is also added in the Work Skills Center. The portable building is “returned” to the county.
The “Helping Hands” recycling program closes due to economic reasons.
350 persons attend CROSSROADS 25th Anniversary Open House held October 2, 1994.
The staffing model at Trinity House changes from a live-in position to a staffing pattern that utilizes three shifts.
Grace hall donates $10,000 to purchase a van for Trinity House.
Jeanette Phillips donates a hand- made quilt to be raffled at the Trinity House Craft Sale.
Volunteers, Ron Stych, Allan Phillips and Glenn Moench construct an outdoor sign with the CROSSROADS’ name.
Volunteer Maxine Buttgen landscapes the area around sign.
CROSSROADS and Trinity House receive a three-year CARF accreditation for their programs.
On May 1 CROSSROADS assumes the management of the 5-bed Arc/Cedar Group Home in Tipton.
CROSSROADS closes for a week in July due to the curtailment of HON’s operations.
HON Industries donates 6 used computers to CROSSROADS.
Both air conditioning units are replaced in the Annex.
On June 1, the key replacement contract awarded from HON to CROSSROADS is implemented.
The Division of vocational Rehabilitation awards grants for high school special education students and adults with chronic mental illness to obtain and maintain employment.
Over 250 persons attend the 15th Annual Awards Banquet.
CROSSROADS closes for a week in July due to the curtailment of HON’s operations.
The Division of vocational Rehabilitation awards grants for high school special education students and adults with chronic mental illness to obtain and maintain employment.
The kitchen is remodeled at CROSSROADS.
CROSSROADS is approved to provide Supported Employment Services through the Home and Community Based Waiver.
The Department of Labor conducts a favorable review of all the agency’s payroll processes and procedures.
Jackie Lind is recognized for 20 years of service at CROSSROADS.
CROSSROADS provides services to 169 consumers and employs 40 staff.
The Muscatine Soccer Club and the Muscatine Travel Club make large donations to CROSSROADS.
Trinity House hosts its third Craft Sale with 17 exhibitors.
On May 7th, CROSSROADS begins providing vocational services to the five residents from Arc/Cedar home. By the end of 1996, 12 persons from Cedar County are receiving vocational services at CROSSROADS.
A new compactor/baler is purchased for the production area.
Ash Electric installs lighting around the outside CROSSROADS sign.
CROSSROADS hosts the Muscatine Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours Open House.
The parking lot is expanded.
The Division of vocational Rehabilitation awards CROSSROADS a grant to conduct Community Based Assessments for persons referred from Cedar and Louisa Counties.
The touch-up paint mailing contract is awarded to CROSSROADS by the HON Company.
CROSSROADS staff form an agency Staff Council that meet monthly.
CROSSROADS is connected to the Internet and has an email address.
An organizational meeting is held to create a foundation for CROSSROADS.
CROSSROADS and Trinity House receive a three year accreditation from CARF for its programs.
Arc/Cedar Group Home received a deficiency-free survey report from the Department of Inspections and Appeals.
A John Deere Garden tractor is purchased.
Trinity House and Arc/Cedar Group Homes are converted from RCF-MR licensed to Home and Community Based certified (HCBS).
Trinity House is downsized from 7 beds to 5 beds due to the conversion.
Trinity II is purchased and remodeled to provide HCBS residential services to 4 individuals.
A picnic celebration is held in recognition of the CARF accomplishments and the safety achievement of 125 days without a recordable injury.
A computer lab for the workers to receive training is constructed along with an additional staff office.
KWPC/KWCC donates over $1,000 in airtime to promote the sale of our recycled Christmas cards.
Alice Kresin is recognized for 20 years of service at CROSSROADS.
Provided service to 180 consumers and employs 45 staff.
The CROSSROADS Foundation receives tax-exempt status.
News carpet is installed in the main facility as well as Trinity House.
Sidewalks and patio are replaced at Trinity House on 6th Street, and a concrete floor is poured in the pole building.
Funds donated from the Kenneth Duncan Memorial are used to construct a picnic shelter for the clients, with work by A.J. Whitney and Jim Drum.
CROSSROADS receives 3 year accreditation from CARF
Completed remodeling including refacing the front of the building, a covered walkway with picnic shelter, windows, and landscaping
Site set up for donations of cans for the $.05 refund.
BT Prime Mover donates a forklift to CROSSROADS.
Received donation of office furniture from Bandag.
Received HCBS accreditation for 3 year period ending 2006.
CROSSROADS receives 3 year CARF accreditation expiring in 2007.
Purchased cooling equipment through grant from Muscatine Charities, and a defibrillator with grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities
A rebuilt skin pack machine was purchased for HON orders.
Received donation of office furniture and equipment from Community Bank
Audio-visual equipment purchased with grant from Ronald McDonald Charities to enhance the Advocates and Diversity Training project.
Purchased industrial task chairs for the production floor with grant from Muscatine Charities.
Did major restroom renovation with automatic flush toilets, automatic sinks, non-skid flooring, new partitions and ventilation system.
New phone system installed with direct dial and voice mail, along with wireless internet.
Suzanne McCleary recognized for 15 years of service, as well as Joyce Castillo and Lori Shoultz for 10 years of service.
Provided services to 110 people.
Acquired land that CROSSROADS sits on from Muscatine County Board of Supervisors for $1.
Established R & D fund for future use by CROSSROADS.
Loss of some HON contract work significantly affects revenue for 2006.
Muscatine County funding for vocational services decreases by 15-20%.
Provided services to 115 people.
Residential house on 6th Street closed in May 2007 with clients relocated to Mulberry House, which also downsized residential staff.
Continued support from United way of Wilton and West Liberty.
Received 3 year CARF Accreditation which expires in 2010.
MCC Course was developed by CROSSROADS for SCL staff, starts in August 2007.
Provided services to 111 people.
Jack Hall retires after 11.5 years, becoming the first person to retire from CROSSROADS.Can line operation shut down October 2008.
Approved as a participant in Iowa Principles and Best Practices for Charitable Non-Profits
Served 104 clients along with 28 staff.
MCC holds business classes at CROSSOADS.
Provided services to 90 people, with reduction due to funding decreases.
Received 3-year CARF Accreditation, which will expire in 2013.
Installed automated system to monitor access to building.
Worked in conjunction with Muscatine Community Health Association.
Lynn McCalmon, Donna VanZandt and Connie Osborn recognized for 15 years of service to CROSSROADS as well as Ruth Conrad-Zollars for 20 years service.
Leased Annex to Rebuilding Together Muscatine in exchange for putting on a new roof, clean-up, fix up, and maintenance.
Donna VanZandt retired after 15 years of service.
New Mission statement approved by Board.
80 clients served in 2012 and 24 staff employed.
Received 3 Year CARF accreditation and HCBS accreditation, both will expire 2016.
“Choices” Day Habilitation Program began 7/1/13.
HNI donated office chairs, and table tops for Day Habilitation room.
Received DNR (SWAP) Grant to purchase shredding equipment, $19,891.
Received $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine to put siding on SCL house.
Purchased used rivet machine, added safety enhancements, used for HNI orders.
Constructed secure shredding area, with installation of security cameras and equipment
Replaced plant, office, and exterior lighting with LED fixtures
Took over the management of the CEO facility in Tipton on July 1st
Hosted a Community Transition Fair at MHS
Hosted the Chamber After Hours Open House in July, along with Rebuilding Together Muscatine
Purchased a new Hustler Riding Lawn Mower
Painted office areas and installed new carpet
Received several grants and purchased a new shredding truck with logos
Held our first Carnival fundraiser
Won 3rd place in the Scarecrow contest in the Ag Learning Center
Hosted 45th Anniversary Open House on October 5th with tours for the public
Took ownership of CEO Tipton facility in December
Began “Connections” Day Habilitation program at CEO
AAA NAID Certified for Shredding
Held Free Shred Day for residents, 60+ residents participated
Partnered with Hope Haven on Rice Hulls project
Held first Boonie’s fundraiser
Held second annual CROSSROADS Carnival
Held legislative open house, 22 attended