
We welcome gifts and donations; all contributions are deductible as charitable contributions for tax purposes under the provisions of 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. To send a donation, or if you need more information, contact: Marc Hines, Executive Director

We encourage and welcome all gifts –

  • cash
  • appreciated securities
  • real estate or tangible personal or business property

Gifts of these items may be made outright or in a deferred gift such as:

  • bequests
  • trusts
  • life estate
  • retirement fund designations
  • life insurance

Current Business Needs:

DayHab Is In Need of Supplies!! Please look below for ways to help! You can drop off any supplies at our front office.

  • Shuttle Bus Tickets
  • Coffee Club Supplies (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, hot cider)
  • Bottle/stick glue
  • Craft Paint
  • Markers
  • Colored Pencils
  • Paint Aprons
  • Construction Paper